God's Plan for Marriage
God has given us a user's manual on how to have a successful relationship. A user’s manual on how to live our lives and it’s called the Bible.
We need to go back to what God says about having a Marriage that will last a lifetime. Two things must happen, leaving and a cleaving, as described in the book of Genesis. “For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh”. When a man and woman come together in Marriage they become one flesh in the sight of God.
You have a No. 1 relationship with your spouse. Bone of your bone and flesh of your flesh. Leave all other relationships and make this your number one priority second only to your relationship with God.
Cleave means to be permanently glued together. Glued in a way that IF separated, irreparable damage can occur. It doesnt mean I am stuck to you, but glued, meaning “holding on” to your spouse, leaving other “relationships” and making this relationship your priority.
This is the relationship between Christ and his Bride the Church
Love your wife, the way Christ loves the church, putting his needs above his own, and Wives need to respect your husbands.